Digistar Kft Ferenc Maros Hungary, Pécs
RG-NetWorks Ltd. Szabolcs Lengvarszky Hungary, Pecs
- Offer Satellite internet / VSAT solutions
- Request Distributor for satellite broadband services
ROBATECH Kft. Markus Hirth Hungary, Pécs
- Offer & Request custom machinery services
- Offer & Request applications, services on different fields of gluing technologies
Blue Economy Innovation Cluster Judit Bedőné Károly Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Cooperation in "smart" projects
Agro Boy Kft. Balázs Körösztúri Hungary, 7754 Bóly
- Offer green wastes
- Offer Transport, Forwarding
MAXA-Alutechnika Kft. László Dr. Csörnyei Hungary, 7694 Hosszúhetény
- Offer Perfect open air venue for your business talks
Dilaco Lighting Kft. Mária Faludi Hungary, 7627 Pécs
- Offer High power led lighting system for poultry stock breeders
GEOCHEM Ltd. Ferenc Dr. Fedor Hungary, Kozármisleny
- Offer & Request Geological research, petrophysical measurements and technology cooperation
Cluster of Applied Earth Sciences (CAPES) Ferenc Fedor Hungary, Kozármisleny
- Offer & Request Looking for co-operation partners for the implementation of SmartLab project
- Offer Services of CAPES
KONTAKT-Elektro Kft. Markus Hirth Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Industrial automation services
Information Management Innovation Cluster Ferenc Brachmann Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Scale your business with the best technologies!
Kerko Média Ltd. János Keresnyei Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Explanatory videos for scientific and innovative projects
Knipl Ltd. Máté Bobály Hungary, H-7150 Bonyhád
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Terex Cranes Hungary Ltd. Péter Medgyesy Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
KlímatrióPlussz Ltd. Gábor Reitz Hungary, H-7622 Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Matro Ltd. Zoltan Kleisz Hungary, 7631 Pecs
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Gépszer Ltd. Bernadett Blaskó Hungary, H-7622 Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Profi Metal Ltd. Janos Ozsvart Hungary, H7630 Pecs
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Metallux Plc. Janos Toth Hungary, H-8840 Csurgo
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Tegavill LTD . Mihály Áman Hungary, Komló
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325089